Organization: RedR Australia
Registration deadline: 08 Feb 2016
Starting date: 11 Feb 2016
Ending date: 30 Jun 2016
Location: Melbourne CBD
11 February 2016 Designing Learning (2 days)
9 March 2016 Delivery Cluster (3 days)
14 April 2016 Assessor Essentials (3 days)
RedR Australia has developed a clustered, holistic and contextualised TAE program that is tailored to the needs of people who work within the Humanitarian Aid / Emergency Response sectors. Our learner resources, activities and assessments utilise the experiences and realities of working in both domestic and international situations. The course is delivered over 10 days and has three distinct learning clusters:
- Design (2 days)
- Delivery (3 days)
- Assessment (3 days)
There is a minimum of one month between clusters i.e. there is a month set between each cluster to allow people to complete the assessment for the cluster prior to moving onto the next one. If for some reason (such as being abroad for work), you are unable to make the next cluster, you can catch up when we offer it again. This offers the flexibility that people within the sector often need, as well as not inflicting “information overload” on participants, which can occur when undertaking the Certificate IV in TAE on an intensive basis. Red R also endeavours to allow participants to complete their assessments within class time (as much as time allows).
The units delivered within the REDR Certificate IV in Training and Assessment are:
TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs
TAEDES402A Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs
TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group based learning
TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
TAEASS401B Plan assessment activities and processes
TAEASS402B Assess competence
TAEASS403B Participate in validation
TAEASS301B Contribute to assessment
The cost of the course is $300 dollars per training day
How to register:
Who are our courses for?
Our training is tailored to people who work within the humanitarian, emergency services and not for profit sectors; particularly those who want to become involved in training and assessment, on the job mentoring or public speaking. We also cater to those seeking to gain qualifications in these areas to recognise their previously acquired skills and knowledge through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
About our training
We are committed to the training concepts of adult learning. Our training uses a range of methods including lectures, group work, individual reflection, role plays, simulation exercises and videos. We focus on realistic scenarios that provide a practical learning experience.
Recognition of Prior Learning
We provide guided access to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). This means that we will support and mentor you through any RPL process, not simply give you the paperwork and let you work it out. So if you think you already have the skills and knowledge for your chosen units, ask us about undertaking RPL to gain accreditation.
Where are the courses run?
Delivered at the Engineers Australia office at 600 Bourke St in Melbourne, our residential courses are easily accessed by public transport. We can also deliver these courses in other states and territories on demand.
In-house Delivery
We can conduct “in house” delivery for organisations that would like us to deliver to their staff at their chosen venue. If you have a training need for five or more staff then this method may be more cost effective than sourcing training programs from our training calendar offerings and the course can be delivered at a time and date that suits your organisation. Please contact us to find out more.